The Founder:

What dance means to me :

“ To me , the gift of dance is having the opportunity to be  able to  pursue expression , style, elegance and sophistication through movements and imagination.

Being able to either teach or  perform to an audience and bringing a story to life on Stage it’s been a truly blessing.

Giving and sharing dance transport energy to my life. Listening the the applauses , making the audience relax, rest and disconnect from the world is our best reward because at the end this is what they pay for.

Dancing  is a challenge, is my  blood at top of adrenaline , another story to be counted day by day, a smile and also tears of pain which make me feel  very proud of every single effort and goal achieved.

Dancing on Pointe at “ LE’ POINTE DANCE STUDIO”  , our major goal yes! But also will be our best way to touch the clouds with a “ Tutu” , because we are on top of the real high heels! “

 Yanelis Leon